Our History & Philosophy…

Marianne & Michael Brookman
As third generation herbalists we have well over a century’s worth of experience and practical expertise in healing. At the beginning of the twentieth century a Mr. F.C.Carr began practicing as a herbalist at a time when the use of herbs was still widely used, valued and respected.
Mr Carr’s excellent reputation even led a wealthy client from Bristol to build large premises at Shipham in the Mendip hills in Somerset to house Mr Carr’s ever expanding practice. Eventually this became known as “Carr’s Mendip Hydro”, and the dedicated Mr Carr continued to hold consultations there until he was well into his nineties.
After his death, my father Mr Ivor Brookman, who was already established in Naturopathy, Herbalism and Osteopathy, succeeded Mr Carr at Shipham, but later relocated to his home in nearby Winscombe, where the practice continued to flourish for many years
It was here that I became involved in my father’s vocation as a healer, growing organically many of the herbs and other plants that he needed, and dispensing tinctures and tablets in support of his work. My studies in Herbalism, Iridology, Psychology and counselling continued for some years in tandem with working with and learning from my father, then in 1979 I started my own practice.
My own innate understanding that actual healing involves the whole being and can only take place by natural means helps me to contribute to the healing of many sick people and animals. In the same year I participated with Dr Alec Forbes, Penny Brohn and Pat Pilkington in the foundation and development of the well known Bristol Cancer Help Centre. Hundreds of cancer patients world-wide used our herbal preparations and relaxation tapes, and I contributed my services there for ten years.
This experience gave me special insights into the causes of all disease, including cancer, and the natural methods which will improve the chances of a return to health. Like the Alchemists of the past we have spent many years delving into an Aladdin’s cave of life’s mysteries, unravelling the ‘secrets’ that mankind has forgotten the value of.
Now, that incredible wealth of knowledge and understanding is available once more as more and more people realize a deep need to re-connect with the Nature within, and a more sane, sensitive and harmonious way of living.
Contact us by phone: 01364 644 684 or email:

Marianne & Michael Brookman
As third generation herbalists we have well over a century’s worth of experience and practical expertise in healing. At the beginning of the twentieth century a Mr. F.C.Carr began practicing as a herbalist at a time when the use of herbs was still widely used, valued and respected.
Mr Carr’s excellent reputation even led a wealthy client from Bristol to build large premises at Shipham in the Mendip hills in Somerset to house Mr Carr’s ever expanding practice. Eventually this became known as “Carr’s Mendip Hydro”, and the dedicated Mr Carr continued to hold consultations there until he was well into his nineties.
After his death, my father Mr Ivor Brookman, who was already established in naturopathy, herbalism and osteopathy, succeeded Mr Carr at Shipham, but later relocated to his home in nearby Winscombe, where the practice continued to flourish for many years
It was here that I became involved in my father’s vocation as a healer, growing organically many of the herbs and other plants that he needed, and dispensing tinctures and tablets in support of his work. My studies in herbalism, iridology, psychology and counselling continued for some years in tandem with working with and learning from my father, then in 1979 I started my own practice.
My own innate understanding that actual healing involves the whole being and can only take place by natural means helps me to contribute to the healing of many sick people and animals. In the same year I participated with Dr Alec Forbes, Penny Brohn and Pat Pilkington in the foundation and development of the well known Bristol Cancer Help Centre. Hundreds of cancer patients world-wide used our herbal preparations and relaxation tapes, and I contributed my services there for ten years.
This experience gave me special insights into the causes of all disease, including cancer, and the natural methods which will improve the chances of a return to health. Like the Alchemists of the past we have spent many years delving into an Aladdin’s cave of life’s mysteries, unravelling the ‘secrets’ that mankind has forgotten the value of.
Now, that incredible wealth of knowledge and understanding is available once more as more and more people realize a deep need to re-connect with the Nature within, and a more sane, sensitive and harmonious way of living.
Contact us by phone: 01364 644 684 or email:

Marianne & Michael Brookman
The central theme running through all aspects of our developing work over the years has been ‘the natural way’. Incredibly, over recent years, understanding of what this involves has expanded dramatically and just continues to do so.
The scientific exploration of and confirmation of the presence of many trillions of micro bacteria that perform in our bodies in ways that are essential to our health and well-being, is one aspect of the new understanding. An understanding that has helped us to recognise that everything ever created is an interrelated, integral, and therefore interdependent, part of everything else.
This means that the part, such as a kidney, exists in service to the whole, and that the degree of wellness of the whole influences the possibility of and speed of healing of the part. This applies to every form of sickness, including cancer. So where the body, and mind, are generally well, such diseases as cancer can be more easily resolved by natural means.
I repeatedly refer to cancer in view of the ever increasing numbers of people suffering from that disease without ever being informed of the countless natural agents and systems of healing that be used to facilitate healing – a complete transgression of justice.
Contact us by phone: 01364 644 684 or email:
Quite simply it’s about recognising, in every last department of our lives, that only when we are able to go beyond seeing things in separateness and humbly embrace the fact of the wholeness and interdependence of everything, including ourselves, will anything actually work as it was designed to do so (cohesion = health). See ‘Articles’ – ‘Relaxation & Meditation’, and ‘Intimacy’.
Perhaps we should see this as ‘Universal Wisdom’, which actually lies at the seat of everything in existence. However, this understanding is relatively revolutionary, such that it is challenging the mind’s ability to embrace it wholeheartedly (but then the mind – very much like the computer – is highly indoctrinated/programmed). So much focus on this fact is urgently needed, if things are ever to change and improve.
This was the case some two thousand years ago when it was declared that the world was round, not flat. Now, such knowledge is commonplace and accepted, as must the fact of oneness, wholeness, become also.
So it is with the subtle, yet immense, power of herbs to so directly assist the healing process. Their composition, created by Nature/Life, is such that their regular use makes a powerful contribution to the healing of any form of sickness. Linked to the use of forms of micro-biotics (probiotics), and the healing effect is magnified. Hence the new current term ‘integrative therapy’ – that which promotes a progressive return to integratedness/wholeness.
Oh, and one more point – sickness comes about to necessitate change – of consciousness – simply put, change in the way we live our lives – to help bring about regeneration.
Quotes……….. “The illness seeks the medicine. The multiple crises that we face are precisely commensurate with the capacities they will draw forth from us”. (to heal) see the essays of Charles Eisenstein
“On the whole, I would like to present an evolving picture of cells (and people) capable to perceive themselves as a rhythmic component of the universe, sensing and producing magnetic fields and sound vibrations, progressing through transition states interspaced by the emergence of ordered images of structure and function.” Carlo Ventura, MD Professor of Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine of the University of Bologna.